Experience reports and practice interviews

One thing is certain: mentoring works. In recent years, many mentoring many mentoring tandems have been able to celebrate numerous successes. In the process insights into companies, discussed career concepts, application strategies were developed, and much more. How the tandems approached mentorship and where their mentoring process has taken them. you can find out here directly from our mentors and mentees. Mentees.

Mentor Monika Pfingstl

Monika Pfingstl

Monika Pfingstl has lived and worked in Dubai for 15 years. As an HR manager, she has contributed her expertise to companies such as Austrian Airlines, Wolff Theiss, Kuoni and Microsoft. However, she has created her mentor profile with a focus on "Dubai". Luckily for her mentee Benjamin Gigerl. Because that's exactly where he wanted to go. Read more >>>

"Mentoring is something I really enjoy doing. It is not a difficult time investment. You simply pass on your own experience to someone who is just starting out in their career."

Benjamin Gigerl

As the first graduate of the Master's program Computational Social Systems, Mr. Gigerl was faced with a career decision in the last semester for which he was looking for support. Through the Career mentoring program, he found an internationally active mentor in Ms. Pfingstl who accompanied him through this process - with a surprising turn of events including a surprising twist. Read more >>>

In my conversation with Ms. Pfingstl I realized: You can already have a certain plan [ ... ], and then an unexpected professional opportunity comes at exactly the the right time, where the topic and the new challenge fits.


Birgit Kienzl

In the last semester of her USW-VWL bachelor's degree, Birgit Kienzl got a mentor at her side.  Her mentor, Wolfgang Eichert, studied USW-VWL like her and can already look back on many years of international professional experience. Exactly the perfect combination for Birgit Kienzl's questions about international internships.  Read more >>>

People who have practical experience can help you much more efficiently with your individual endeavor than all other available sources. I am very grateful for this experience and the support I have received, which is why I can only recommend everyone to take up this offer.

Wolfgang Eichert

The joy of working with young people and the contact in Styria are the main motivators for Wolfgang Eichert to get involved to work as a mentor from Brussels. As his recently completed mentorship on the subject of international internships went, he told us in an interview.  Read more >>>

The mentoring program is a great added value for students to bridge from the very theoretical world of university into the practical world. I think it's really very helpful and I hope that many more mentees and mentors will be found for this.

Wolfgang Eichert, mentor

Lilia Yang

Mentee Lilia Yang talks about her mentorship as if it were an exciting journey that really took off when she was on the road. Read more >>

 I'm a big fan of learning from stories. Compressed in session what other people have experienced over a long period of time. period of time. This is an opportunity you can easily seize in the mentoring program simply seize and use for his further development.

Andreas Neubauer and Karina Tolstova

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To whom do I recommend a mentorship? I know some people who, for example, studied teaching and then want to do something completely different. Then a mentorship is a great opportunity to exchange ideas with someone. [Andreas Neubauer]

And I recommend it to all students, unless they already have a very specific path in mind. Especially humanities students. [Karina Tolstova]

Ágota Szendrei

Mag. Ágota Szendrei is a management consultant, trainer and coach in the field of human resource development. But not only that. In her dissertation she deals with the topic of how art-based interventions can be a tool for sustainability and as an organizer of a mentoring program for hotel management students she supports young people in gaining international experience. She told us in a personal interview how she herself has fared in her role as a mentor in the Career Mentoring Program. Read more >>

From the very first meeting, my mentee knew exactly what she wanted to get out of this mentoring relationship would like to get out of it and how we could make the most of it together. That was for me a sign of appreciation and with that it was clear that we could do well with each other can and also the organization will work well.

Melanie Köppel

Melanie Köppel has the job many want. She is a Content Creator. However, her social media posts are not about her own life, but rather she writes, produces, and publishes posts specifically for customers of missMIND Digital, the digital agency of missMAGAZIN. How her path from graduating with a degree in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies to becoming a project manager for major clients, she told us during the Mentoring Stage Talk. Read more >>

I think it's an important message: if you want something, you should definitely apply more often for it.


Markus Simbürger

Markus Simbürger spoke with us on the Mentoring Stage. He is Climate Solutions project manager at the Green Tech Valley Cluster and told us how his individual career path went, how much university knowledge he draws on in his job, and what he thinks you need to do for a successful career start. Read on >>

The Companies are looking for motivated employees above all. One does not find that one person who fits 100% to the advertisement.

Julie Simstich

Julie Simstich is an occupational and organizational psychologist and coaches companies and their employees in challenging personnel and restructuring processes. What exactly she is responsible for and what her path from her studies to professional life looked like, she told us on the mentoring stage. Read more >>>

The practical experience that accompanied my studies helped me a great deal with the direction of my studies, because I was able to apply content, for example, from the lecture on occupational psychology immediately into my professional activities.

Nina and Lisa-Marie talking in front of the UB

Mentoring Tandem: Nina Sattlegger & Lisa-Marie Epple

Already Steve Jobs relied on mentoring and was first a mentee and then a mentor. At the University of Graz, the professionally raised Career Mentoring also is increasingly in demand. For example, Nina Sattlegger and Lisa-Marie Epple have formed a successful tandem.  Read now >>
Behind-the-Scenes Video > >

"I enjoyed the mentoring in the transition period from studying to professional life, it helped me a lot. A jump in personality-sentdevelopment came "for free"."
Lisa-Marie Epple, former mentee


Mentoring Tandem: Helene Byma & Bettina Stockinger

The topic of mentoring is an article published in the alumni magazine 2021, in which mentor Bettina Stockinger and mentee Helene Byma were interviewed about their mentoring experience. Read the whole interview now >>

I myself have taken a lot from mentoring with me. For example, it has opened my eyes to how today's youth ticks.
Bettina Stockinger, mentor


Mentoring Tandem: Patrick Kratzenstein & Antonia Kohla

In an article that was published in the alumni magazine 2021, mentor Patrick Kratzenstein and mentee Antonia Kohla talk about their experiences in the mentoring tandem. Read the full interview now >>

Patrick took away my partly naive ideas and sharpened my focus. That was enormously important.
Antonia Kohla, mentee

Mentor: Magdalena Hauzenberger

A USW graduate majoring in Business Administration

Mentor Magdalena Hauzenberger tells in this field report how the mentorship went along, what questions arose and what SHE took away from it for herself. Read more >>

"My mentee always came with a long list of questions that she had already sent me in advance. I found that great, because I then knew in advance which topics are important."
Magdalena Hauzenberger, mentor

Mentee: Theresa Boigner

USW student majoring in geography and business administration

Read here how Theresa Boigner hunted down her mentorship, what new ideas it gave her, and how the experience helped her plan her future career. Read more >>

"I think it's great in itself that the program exists. That you can simply, even without concrete ideas, start a Mentorship. Even writing to someone can often be a hurdle."
Theresa Boiger, mentee

Mentor Verena Schaup in Alumni in Portrait Interview

Mentor: Verena Schaupp

The Journalist Verena Schaupp provides insights into her experience as a mentor in an alumni portrait and her experience as a mentor. The entire interview in which she talks about the content orientation and the design of her mentorship can be seen here >>

"The questions my mentee asked me I could answer well,
because I asked them myself only three years before that."

Verena Schaupp, MA, mentor

Bernoegger Seidl

Mentoring Tandem: Christina Bernögger & Eva Seidl

The Mentoring tandem Christina Bernögger, MA and Mag. Eva Seidl have met in front of the camera and interviewed each other with questions unknown to them. The result of this spontaneous reflection on their Mentorship you can be seen here >>

"We have a focus before every meeting. It's always structured."
Mag. Eva Seidl, mentor