How do I organize my mentoring during the work phase?

The efficient organization of shared content is crucial to the success of a mentoring program during the work phase. Through structured content sharing and clear communication, mentors and mentees can work together optimally and make the mentoring process successful.

Share content and information:

It is easier to prepare for upcoming appointments if the current progress of the mentee is also shared with the mentor. An update on the content to be discussed at the next meeting is therefore advisable at least one week prior the actual meeting. You can also use the logbook form for this purpose, which you will find at the end of the mentoring guide.

Use platforms:

By using the appointment function on the Career Mentoring Platform, joint content can be directly linked to the upcoming appointment between mentee and mentor. Further possibilities for the mutual exchange of content are, for example, platforms such as Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Docs or similar.

Coordinating appointments:

It is primarily the mentee's task to coordinate the next appointment. You should already agree during your first meeting how you want to exchange information: Career Mentoring platform, telephone, SMS, e-mail, ...? A clear dialogue makes the process easier right from the start.

Regular meetings:

The duration of a mentorship varies depending on the tandem, but a duration of 3 to 12 months is considered ideal, to make the process visible on both sides. No matter how long you accompany each other: A regular exchange allows you as a mentee to stay on the ball more consistently. Incidentally, the appointments don't always have to take place in person, a digital exchange can be just as supportive!

Review and foresight:

Particularly in the case of mentorships that extend over a longer period of time, it makes sense to look back at the halfway point. Discuss which topics and issues have already been dealt with and whether the path you have taken is still suitable for both of you or whether a course correction should be made.

Do you have any other tips for successful collaboration and organization during the work phase? As a mentor or mentee, what do you see as mentee see as particularly essential for a harmonious mentoring tandem?

Let us know about your experiences!